Monthly Archives: October 2020

Resilience and Wellbeing Workshop on 11th November!


On Wednesday 11th November, we are running another Resilience and Wellbeing Workshop and taking bookings now if you would like to join us? Most Recent Testimonial: "During these tough and challenging times, I have been lucky enough to attend a Resilience and Wellbeing Workshop hosted by Lynda Cant.  Through this workshop, Lynda provided an abundance [...]

Resilience and Wellbeing Workshop on 11th November!2020-10-28T19:16:07+00:00

Always Supporting Members Back Into The Workplace…


The M3 Job Club (M3JC) is a community based charity organisation which supports business professionals in the North Hampshire and surrounding areas back into the workplace, following redundancy or other challenges arising from leaving their place of employment. In operation for over 8 years, our ethos is to support the community by providing a solid [...]

Always Supporting Members Back Into The Workplace…2020-10-14T23:53:26+01:00

Meet Maxine Hart who will be Facilitating our Session, The CV Conundrum, on Zoom this Friday at 10am!


Maxine is Operations Director for Wote Street People and Regional Director for TEAM (The Employment Agents Movement) with over 15 years recruitment experience. Maxine is  also an M3JC Trustee, Host, Presenter and all round supporter of M3JC and all of our members! Networking is a natural skill and where there is a common synergy between [...]

Meet Maxine Hart who will be Facilitating our Session, The CV Conundrum, on Zoom this Friday at 10am!2020-10-14T23:31:21+01:00

Our Session This Friday…The CV Conundrum


16th October - The CV Conundrum A Panel of Local Business Experts Constructively Review Member CVs How to Grab the Attention on a CV The Do’s and Don’ts in CV Writing How to Engage with Recruiters and What They Look For Facilitator: Maxine Hart, Director, M3JC Trustee Expert Panel: Sara Smith-Director of Sara Smith Ltd, Rob Dolbear-MD of [...]

Our Session This Friday…The CV Conundrum2020-10-14T23:11:51+01:00

Our Session this Friday Morning is The Recruiter’s Perspective


Zoom Invitations have gone out and we can't wait for you to join us for our session this week, The Recruiter's Perspective brought to you by Amanda Fisackerly... "Seeking work is hard, whether in employment, under risk of redundancy, unemployed or self-employed. For most, it occurs infrequently and generally when things are already stressful. It [...]

Our Session this Friday Morning is The Recruiter’s Perspective2020-10-07T17:52:37+01:00
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