Great News!  The M3JC is returning to Carnival Hall!

Following your survey feedback, we are making tentative steps to return to face to face meetings at Carnival Hall, initially twice per month – the second and fourth Friday.

Our first meeting at the hall will be Friday 25 February when we will be joined by Amanda Fisackerly presenting her session, CV Writing and Marketing Yourself.

Remaining Hall dates for this semester will be:

  • 11 March
  • 25 March
  • 8 April
  • 22 April

Please make a note of these dates in your diary. We will remind you of course as the next Hall date is coming up.

Covid measures will be employed at the Hall including hand sanitizer, social distancing with seating and we would ask you to bring your own refreshments for the session. The Hall will be thoroughly cleaned before and after each meeting.

Meetings  will start at 9.30. 

We look forward to see you all in person once again.