Good Morning

🆕It’s a new session for a new month! This Friday 1st July (0930~1230) on Zoom, is 🔎The Skills Detector!🔎 Matthew Sheerin will help you to identify your transferable skills to master career transition.
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🕵️We are really looking forward to welcoming Matthew as a new M3JC presenter. Here’s Matthew’s Bio…
⭐My background in professional services spans 25 years including 10 years in corporate search and selection.
⭐I set up my consultancy After the Military in 2014 delivering professional career development and transition services for over five hundred ex-Forces personnel. In 2017 I added a bespoke recruitment service for employers wanting to access this much sought-after talent-pool.
⭐The Programmes are designed using the latest research into career development and transition from military life.
⭐As an active member of the Hampshire Chamber of Commerce I have a network of contacts and stakeholders who have the best interests of the local economy and people within it at heart.
⭐In 2014 I completed a MSc in Career Coaching with evidence-based psychology – researching the experience of transitioning out of the UK armed-forces and changing career.
⭐The research plus an old school mate who joined the Marines but struggled for quite a while afterwards is what inspired me to go it alone, using my skills honed in the corporate world along with identifying new ones.
This will be an interactive session utilizing group debate and discussion.