🎄We are looking forward to our End of Year Celebration and Networking event this Friday 15th December (8.45am-12.30pm)🎄

🏣Venue: Carnival Hall, Council Road, RG21 3DH

⭐This will be a Networking session and will also include some VIP speakers in the form of local Dignitaries. Both the Rt Hon Maria Miller, MP and The Worshipful The Mayor of Basingstoke and Deane, Councillor David Leeks will be in attendance and will be addressing us.

As mentioned, we will be focusing on networking at this meeting, encouraging all attendees to meet with and chat to a minimum of 3 new people in the room. There will be light refreshments served throughout the meeting.⭐

⭐To secure your place on this session, please just click on the “Register Here” link NOW so that we can finalise numbers by 5pm tomorrow:


08:45 Arrival and Coffee

09:00 Welcome & Introductions Gill Cheesewright, Host
& Partner Business Manager,
M3 Job Club

09:20 Chairman’s Address Richard Thayer (via Video)

09.30 Basingstoke and the Vision for the Future Rt Hon Maria Miller, MP
10:00 Volunteering as a Way Forward The Worshipful the Mayor
of Basingstoke & Deane,
Cllr David Leeks

10:45 Business Partner Update Gill Cheesewright

11:00 Coffee Break

11:20 Structured Networking Session Gill Cheesewright
& Louise Shenton

12:30 Roundup and Thank you Gill Cheesewright