Presenter: Sandra Sergeant https://www.sandrasergeantphotography.com/
Our Next Session Will Be Visual Branding with Sandra Sergeant, Corporate Website Lifestyle Photographer in Basingstoke (sandrasergeantphotography.com)
On: Friday 20th September 2024, Arrival: 9.00 am for a prompt 9.15 am start, Close: 12.30 pm
Venue: Ridgeway Community Centre, Blackdown Close, Buckskin, Basingstoke, RG22 5BW
⭐Please bring your phones
⭐Please wear your business attire for your head shot.
⭐Please research and prepare your 60-second elevator pitch in advance of the session.
⭐Please arrive by 9 am for a prompt 9.15 am start.
Session Overview:
Skill: Self Marketing
⭐Make improvements to your social media profile
⭐Prepare your newest head shots
⭐Deliver your 60-second elevator pitch confidently
⭐Make a short video
Video feedback is a chargeable service Sandra is happy to offer.
The free head shot is a low-resolution image suitable for social media profile.
High resolution images are available at cost on request.
⭐Register for this session here: https://forms.office.com/e/zUT6VeRMXm
⭐New to M3 Job Club? Join here: main registration | M3 Job Club